What is ATP ?
ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) is an energy molecule that catalyzes a variety of important cellular reactions in our bodies. The lack of ATP can cause cell damage and eventual cell and tissue death. Because the creation and regulation of ATP requires oxygen, tissues deprived of oxygen often experience ATP loss and become damaged. Because of this, ATP becomes crucial for patients healing from wounds; especially surgical wounds.
In 2002, Dr. William Ehringer a Professor at the University of Louisville, School of Medicine, discovered a method to encapsulate and deliver ATP to cells. After 10 years of research the final formulations were identified - Lyposomal ATP. In 2012, Dr. Ehringer founded Energy Delivery Solutions in manufacturing ATP for use in post-surgical patients, patients with delayed wound healing, and in hair restoration.
We Use ATP During and After Hair Transplant
Experiments by Dr Cooley and Dr Pathomvanich our Medical Advisor showed that, in hair transplant surgery, Lyposomal ATP allows for quicker healing and better hair transplant yields. In 2015 we met with Dr Ehringer founder of Energy Delivery Solutions. Dr Ehringer and Dr Cooley both recommended:
1. Store grafts in ATP-containing storage solution
2. Spray ATP Formulation at home onto the recipient scalp first 48 hours, up to 5 days
Clinical trials on selected subjects for over a year revealed very impressive result. Since October 2016 we provide Lyposomal ATP to all patients routinely. As Lyposomal ATP has only a very short half life, we have to import from the state every few weeks. The benefit is well worth the extra efforts and expenses.
Low Level Laser Hair Therapy

Hair transplants can initially traumatize the scalp and can result in a temporary hair loss during the first 4 months (this is known as shock loss). Some patients may experience swelling in the transplanted area. The transplanted donor follicles can also experience difficulty adapting to their new environment. Clinical studies have demonstrated the following beneficial effects of laser when use in conjunction with hair transplant.
• minimizes hair shedding (shock loss)
• strengthen hair follicles after surgery with a much higher probability of survival
• reduce swelling, redness and inflammation post-surgery
Effect of Laser in Cell Energy Supply
Laser hair therapy stimulates the mitochondria in cells to increase the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the form of energy used by hair cells to grow imto follicles. Abundant energy supply is critical when dealing with weakened and traumatized hair follicles.
Increase Success Rate after Hair Transplant
Laser hair therapy devices have been used by thousands of hair transplant centers all over the world (such as Bosley and HairClub). However handheld contraptions made with cheap Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are worthless when it comes to energizing the base of hair follicles. Technologically advanced device with the FDA-cleared is now available in our center for use after hair transplant. A 20 minutes of treatment is able to revive the mitochondria of hair cells. This can result in stronger hair follicles with a higher probability of surviving the operation. These extra amounts of “survivor” hair grafts will eventually grow into healthy, terminal hairs.
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Tricomin Follicle Spray

Useful Constituents
The Tricomin Follicle Spray from USA which contains Copper Nutritional Complex for use after hair transplant.
• Encourages healthy growth of the transplanted hair follicles
• Protects transplanted grafts against environmental factors that may cause hair to fall-out more rapidly
• May help to treat the underlying cause of hair loss
• Triamino Copper Nutritional Complex powers-up natural defense process protect hair from environmental damage
• Panthenol repairs and nourishes damaged hair
• Amino acids and minerals build body in the hair to produce a fuller appearance
Who Should Consider using Tricomin Follicle Spray ?
• We recommend all patients to use for at least 4 months after the procedure
• Women would find it usefuk to prevent "Shock Loss" - temporary shedding of transplanted as well as existing hair
• Most use it up to 12 months and experience an early growth of transplanted hair