3D Stick & Place Technique
Drawbacks of Traditional Flat Technique
Result from using the traditional technique was too "Flat" to meet patients' high expectations. We have therefore adopted a new 3-dimensional approach to mimic mother nature, paying meticulous attention to the:
• anatomy and shape of a normal eyebrow
• Individual differences between their eyebrow
• scalp hair characters
Our Stick and Place Technique
Special Features
What is Stick & Place
S & P is our special technique when individual hair follicles matching the characters of the original eyebrows are inserted one by one into the target area. We adjust the implantation direction and angle of each individual hair according to that of the original eyebrows. Compared with pre-made Incision when all the holes are pre-made, our result is more natural. Our doctor will let you final check the result on completion. Fine adjustments is made, if necessary, to meet your requirements.
• Careful selection of matching donor hair, avoiding white and thick hair
• Mark the positions of the head, peak, and tail of the eyebrows according to patient's liking
• Ensure the patients agree with the eyebrow design
• Adjust the angle, orientation, and direction of insertion along the eyebrow for a 3D Effect
• Hair of different calibers are planted at different sites
• Follow our "Eyebrow Taming Protocol" to ensure transplanted hairs flow naturally.

Painless Procedure
Level I Conscious Sedation
Ensuring patient safety is our first priority. When applying local anesthesia, we strictly follow the Massachusetts Medical Society Office-Based Surgery Guidelines ( USA ). According to this guideline, anesthesia is divided into four levels I, II, III, and IV. We use the first level when local anesthesia injection is combined with mild oral sedation. It is the safest of the four levels without any intramuscular or intravenous injection.
Local Anesthesia
Our procedure is performed under local anesthesia with oral sedation. The use of the very fine 33G needle ( 0.2mm tip ) and a slow injecting technique are the keys to minimize discomfort during injection.
How Many Grafts Are Needed?
The total number of graft would depend on 3 factors :
• Density desired, usually 30 - 50 grafts per sq.cm
• Amount and quality of your existing eyebrow
• Length and width of your desired eyebrow to calculate the total areas
More is obviously required for males who wish to have thicker and wider eyebrows. In general 250 to 300 grafts are needed per side (500 to 600 for both sides) to rebuild an entire eyebrow of average density. Less if only part of the eyebrow needs to be repaired. More for those who prefer bushy eyebrow.
Where And How We Get the Grafts ?
We take the grafts from the mid-lower occipital area of the scalp, where the hairs are least likely to turn gray and have the best texture and curl. Scalp hair of similar caliber to the eyebrow hair would be chosen. The grafts can be harvested by FUT or FUE. Our doctor will discuss with you during the consultation.
Where the Grafts Come From
A graft is an intact piece of hair-follicle tissue to be implanted. We carefully choose hair to match the existing eyebrow. For the most natural-looking result, only 1-hair follicular units are used for the eyebrow.