ISHRS Hair Transplant Repair Day
Many investors believe hair transplant is a quick way of making money. Centers are set up all over the world and doctors without proper training are assigned to take the follicles out and put them back, without caring about the result. Consequently we are seeing more and more clients with unsatisfactory results, such as scarring and hair grafts that are not growing. This has become a global problem.
The ISHRS has designated November 11th every year as “World Hair Transplant Repair Day” as a way of helping patients who have had a botched hair transplant surgery by unqualified doctors or black market clinics. As an ISHRS Fellow Member we are part of this mission.
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A Service in Demand
Over the years we have performed many repair cases. Repairing other doctors' work is a difficult but challenging job which demands a lot of skill and experience. Unfortunately some cases were beyond repair, and we feel sorry that we cannot help everyone.